Krista Tippett: Reconnecting with compassion
Tag: faith
Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception
Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception
James Forbes
A very quick entry for TED speaker James Forbes. Courtesy of
Lesley Hazleton: On reading the Koran
Lesley Hazleton: On reading the Koran
David Deutsch
A very quick entry for TED speaker David Deutsch. Courtesy of
Dan Dennett: Let’s teach religion — all religion — in schools
Dan Dennett: Let’s teach religion — all religion — in schools
Wade Davis: The worldwide web of belief and ritual
Wade Davis: The worldwide web of belief and ritual
Dan Dennett: The illusion of consciousness
Dan Dennett: The illusion of consciousness
Dan Dennett: Dangerous memes
Dan Dennett: Dangerous memes
Karen Armstrong: My wish: The Charter for Compassion
Karen Armstrong: My wish: The Charter for Compassion