Talks to restore your faith in humanity
Tag: life
Claim your independence
Claim your independence
Talks to watch when you have
Talks to watch when you have
Talks for when you need
Talks for when you need
Chris Hadfield: What I learned from going blind in space
Chris Hadfield: What I learned from going blind in space
Talks to help you forget that you’re doing chores
Talks to help you forget that you’re doing chores
Talks to watch when someone just stomped on your heart
Talks to watch when someone just stomped on your heart
Joel Levine
A very quick entry for TED speaker Joel Levine. Courtesy of
Christoph Adami
A very quick entry for TED speaker Christoph Adami. Courtesy of
Amanda Bennett: We need a heroic narrative for death
Amanda Bennett: We need a heroic narrative for death