Harry Baker : A love poem for lonely prime numbers
Tag: math
Talks for people who hated math in high school
Talks for people who hated math in high school
Talks by brilliant women in STEM
Talks by brilliant women in STEM
Randall Munroe: Comics that ask “what if?”
Randall Munroe: Comics that ask “what if?”
Arthur Benjamin: The magic of Fibonacci numbers
Arthur Benjamin: The magic of Fibonacci numbers
Conrad Wolfram
A very quick entry for TED speaker Conrad Wolfram. Courtesy of TED.com
Adam Spencer: Why I fell in love with monster prime numbers
Adam Spencer: Why I fell in love with monster prime numbers
Margaret Wertheim
A very quick entry for TED speaker Margaret Wertheim. Courtesy of TED.com
Clayton Cameron: A-rhythm-etic. The math behind the beats
Clayton Cameron: A-rhythm-etic. The math behind the beats
David Hoffman
A very quick entry for TED speaker David Hoffman. Courtesy of TED.com